As study association, we have a few documents that are very important for the members as well as for the Board. These document contain plans that shape each academic year and sets of rules all (board) members need to adhere. The documents are presented by the Board and voted in by the members at the first General Assembly. The versions of the documents below were voted in on 23 November 2023.
The Year Plan is an outline of how we aim to achieve these goals and how to successfully execute these plans. It also includes the committee plans of this year.
The Internal Regulations is a document which outlines the makeup of the association as well presents the as the policies, oppurtunities and inner workings of SV Euphorion.
The Budget Plan is an overview of the budgeted expenses of SV Euphorion for this year.
The Code of Conduct holds all the rules each (board) member must follow. It also includes a section on how to proceed in case of a violation, and one on the tasks and responsibilities of the confidential advisor, to whom you can go to in case of a violation. This document is the most important for all members.